Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The liger is a cat born from the breeding of a male lion and a female tiger. This combination produces an offspring with more lionistic features than if the reverse pairing had occured. That would produce a more tigeristic creature known as a tigon. Both are members of genus Panthera.There is no scientific name assigned to this animal because of it’s human assisted ancestory.

A liger looks like a giant lion with muted stripes but like thier tiger ancestors, ligers like swimming. This goes against the nature of a lion but is what makes creature special. It gets the best of both parents. That is not always the case though with crossbreeds. Sometimes the results go the other way and the animal gets theworst of both parents. That would suck! Enjoy the site and I hope you fall in love with the liger, even if you don’t agree with the science… remember it’s not the liger’s fault.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ME & MY BOSS When I Take a long time to finish,I am slow,When my boss takes a long time,he is thoroughWhen I don't do it,I am lazy,When my boss does not do it,he is busy,When I do something without being told,I am trying tobe smart,When my boss does the same,he takes the initiative,When I please my boss,I am apple polishing,When my boss pleases his boss,he is cooperating,When I make a mistake,you're an idiot.When my boss makes a mistake,he's only human.When I am out of the office,I am wondering around.When my boss is out of the office,he's on business.When I am on a day off sick,I am always sick.When my boss is a day off sick,he must be very ill.When I apply for leave,I must be going for aninterviewWhen my boss applies for leave,it's because he'soverworkedWhen I do good,my boss never remembers,When I do wrong,he never forgets...

who needs prayers!!

A lady approaches a priest and tells him, ' Father, I have a problem . I have these two talking female parrots, but they only know how to say one thing. They keep saying 'Hi, we're hot. Do you want a date?' 'That's terrible!' the priest exclaimed. 'But I do have a solution to your problem. Bring your two parrots over to my house and I will put them with my two male talking parrots to whom I have taught to pray and read the bible. My parrots will then teach your parrots to stop saying that terrible phrase, and your female parrots will learn to pray and worship.' So the next day, the lady brings her female parrots to the priest's house. The priest's two male parrots are holding rosary beads and praying in their cage. The lady puts her female talking parrots in with the male alking Parrots, and the female parrots say, ' Hi, we're hot . Do you want a date?' One male parrot looks over at the other male parrot and screams, ' Put your Bible away Idiot , our prayers have been answered !!!!!!!'