Thursday, June 26, 2008

On my way to the bangalore ashram-aditya!

To start of with,magic has become a part of my life.this magic is not sumthn artificial but sumthn truly divine n keeps one attracting towards was now my time to visit the bangalore ashram for an advance course but my parents werent allowing me wen i told dem about it.i gave my best expalining them how important dis course was for me,but den they had made their minds.then i jus decided to stay in the present moment n jus leave it on to the master.few dayz passed by and my mind kept reminding me about the course but i was helpless.jus to my satisfaction i asked one of the teachers and my friends as in is there still a place for me.they humbly told it was jam pack n there were around 50 people waiting.after hearing this i decided to take a chillback.coz i didnt wanted to be the 51th.the same day i had a talk wid vinesh-the guy full of energy n small childrens i started telling him all those bad things goin around on with me.he silently listened to all my boring story but which was important for me and jus asked to relax and trust my master.yet this wasnt the solution to my answere but i decided to do what he dayz were cuming near i had lost my hopes and couldnt see myself anywhere upto the goal.i was waiting for that one turn in my life and could see myself with my friends in the ashram.moving on more jus to my faith and trust in my master,the day came for what i was waitng for.the same day in the morning i had the thought of bangalore ashram but den till now i had prepared myself to face the was around 3.00pm in the noon as i was fast asleep and suddenly i got a call from one of our artofliving teacher deepa chedda.i jus saw her call n was confused whether to pick it up or nop as i was too sleepy n lazy to talk on de phone.i dun knuw how i picked up de call and she started of with saying,she had a good news for i was still sleepy i silently replied her saying "what"and den she humbly whispered saying u can cum to bangalore we have a place for took exactly 5 secs to reach my mind but now all of a sudden i got up realising the truth,the turn has taken its place.she asked me to get my money in an hour.i jus asked my aunt about it and she was more excited den me to send me to the blore ashram.she was the one who paid for me n i wouldnt forget this for my lifetime.but den again i was a call away from my father.i had to take his permission as my mother was back in canada.i jus said'jaigurudev'in my mind and i honestly told him about the opportunity.he kindly asked me when i had to leave and wat was the procedure n asked to carryon with it.i would rather say i wasnt in the 9th cloud but the 19th.den the next day i got my trains tickets jus two dayz before off to blore and dat too confirmed.thanx to the general secretary of railway union mr.gupta without whom my train journey was impossible.also i m greateful to vinesh and all my aol friends-sunit,tushar,fernaz alok and my aolites for believeing in me and showing me hope futher. special thanx to deepa chedda for letting me experience me this wonderful oppurtunity.jus to all the people out there reading this start getting used to the magic coz u have no other i go,my journey has began.... on way to the bangalore ashram..!!

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