Today was an insane day. And we the founder of this blog, we just wanted to post our thoughts…
In building and shaping this blog we’ve always tried to stay as hands on as before creating the blog we had loads of ideas in our mind but suddenly everythn jus collasped. we are looking forward to create a beautiful blog in adittion with loads of informative stuff and stories frm our skool lyf,college lyf,day2day incidences and even how we took a turn into spirituality..!!it has been a magical view for us as wherever we go our popularity counts..!!we jus stand near a shop n de next moment de shops crowded..!we go in a bus n de next stop bus is full of rush..lolz..we jus think of creating or owning something and de next few days we are with it..!!yes and more on the master itself knuws it coz we are still looking for it as we alwaz keep smiling which we did before too but now our smile has a divines which keeps everyone attracted to us.!!